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Cherishing Kabir's Wisdom - The Saint of All Times!

In a heartwarming class assembly, students of class 5A paid homage to Saint Kabir by delving into his life and legacy.

With eloquence beyond their years, our students shed light on Kabir's profound dohas and their enduring impact on society. They beautifully portrayed the essence of his teachings with enchanting songs and mesmerizing dances, leaving the audience spellbound.

Standing Strong- Honouring our Valiant Soldiers

Students of grade X D of the G.D.Goenka Public School, Vasant Kunj, presented a special assembly recalling the struggles and sacrifices of our freedom fighters. Presenting a Desh Bhakti geet ' Ae Watan', they reminisced the indomitable spirit of our freedom fighters.Their thought-provoking skit reminded everyone of the countless sacrifices made everyday by our soldiers. Their patriotic dance performance instilled a sense of pride in everyone's hearts.

The pledge taken towards the end ensured that we never forget our commitment to our great nation. Our respected Principal appreciated the performance of the students and gave an inspiring speech to motivate all present.

देश है मेरा अभिमान हिंदी है उसकी शान

हिंदी माह के अंतर्गत 27 जुलाई 2023 को कक्षा - चौथी 'ई ' ने "देश है मेरा अभिमान , हिंदी है उसकी शान " विषय पर " प्रार्थनाकालीन सभा का आयोजन कक्षा अध्यापिका डा ० नीतू फर्सवान के नेतृत्व में किया गया I जिसमें विद्यार्थियों ने हिंदी भाषा की वर्तमान स्थिति को दर्शाती हुई कविता , गौतम बुद्ध के जीवन प्रसंग पर आधारित लघु नाटिका और हिंदी भाषा की विशेषता पर आधारित मधुर गीत प्रस्तुत किया गया । छात्रों द्वारा किया गया प्रयास सभी क़े द्वारा सराहा गया | प्रार्थनाकालीन सभा में हिंदी भाषा की महत्ता और प्रचार - प्रसार पर विशेष बल दिया गया। प्रधानाचार्या द्वारा भी हिंदी भाषा का सम्मान करने व अधिकाधिक प्रयोग करने हेतु छात्रों को प्रोत्साहित किया गया I साथ ही शानदार प्रदर्शन के लिए विद्यार्थिय़ों का उत्साहवर्धन किया गया।


The students of Grade 11A shared their Mantra for Success with an insightful discussion on the merits of KNOWLEDGE and CONFIDENCE.

A series of meaningful quotes and a wonderful enactment put across the message that one needs to balance the measure of confidence with a certain level of knowledge. Both are required for an impactful life.

The Class Teacher, Ms. Smriti Gupta shared her views and motivated the students. The Assembly script was prepared by the students and was appreciated by Principal Ma'am for its relevance and the overall presentation. Principal Ma'am reminded the students

Mathematics Month - 2022

Mathematics , also known as the mother of all sciences, was celebrated in all its glory in the month of October as the Math month.

To cultivate the power of reasoning and logical thinking and to celebrate the spirit of mathematical learning, the Mathematics Team successfully conducted a fun-filled celebration of Math month that brought forth maximum participation from students of different classes through various interesting activities. Students actively participated in Show and Tell activity, Famous Mathematician, Role Play competition, Math in Performing Arts – Talent Show, Rangoli making competition, Collage making competition, Quiz competition etc.

A special session highlighting different career opportunities in the field of Mathematics was conducted for the students of class X. It was a fun-filled and joyful month of learning for the Goenkans, who exhibited unparalleled excitement and showcased their immense talent by their exuberant participation in all activities . Congratulations to the entire team!

Class 3-C Assembly

There is always something to thank for." Keeping up with the same the students of class 3 C conducted their assembly on 20th of October 2022. The topic for the assembly was "Gratitude." The assembly commenced with the morning prayer which is believed to provide peace and serinity to our mind and soul, followed by the thought for the day and news update of the week.

The students also sang a motivational song titled "bande hai hum uske" and performed a foot tapping and mesmerizing dance on the song "I thank you lord". The energy of the performance was contagious which left the audience in awe of them.

Unsung Heroes

Unsung Heroes was the topic for the assembly of class X-D , which was held on 18 October 2022, in the school auditorium. A very relevant topic on unsung war heroes and selfless covid warriors and humanitarians , was presented by the students with the help of a google slideshow.

Highlighting the supreme sacrifice of the unsung war heroes of our country, a rich tribute was also paid to the faceless freedom fighters of our country, through a short talk on ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’, celebrating 75 years of India’s independence.

A soulful tabla recital by Gursimar and a group song ,“Save Your Tears”, enthralled the audience, amidst conveying a serious message , ‘Real courage is doing the right thing when nobody’s looking’. The assembly ended with an acknowledgement of the teacher’s role in the life of a student, and how students attain dizzy heights of glory , without realizing that teachers, with their words of wisdom, have influenced them in some way.

The efforts of the children in putting up a brilliant show were much appreciated by teachers and students alike and the same thought was echoed by Ms Leena Aparajit, the special guest for the assembly , who hailed the children for the perfect execution of their parts . She also lauded the efforts of the teachers and students in choosing an apt topic for the assembly and sensitizing the children about the importance of doing good to others, without the expectation of a reward.

The festival of Ganesh Chaturthi

“Class 4-E Assembly - The festival of Ganesh Chaturthi”.

Students of class 4E presented their class assembly on the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi on 31.08.2022. They commenced the show with Ganesh Vandana, enacted a mythological tale of Lord Ganesha's rebirth and ended it with a zestful dance performance. The assembly was full of vibrance and joy. Their efforts were greatly appreciated by everyone. The gathering was then addressed by Principal Ma'am who narrated a story from Lord Ganesha's life and gave her blessings.

Pathway to a Happy and Positive Life

“The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are”.

In the morning assembly, the students of class 9B elaborated upon seven golden techniques that one can undertake to create a positive and healthy mindset. The purpose of the assembly was to provide students with easy yet effective ways to enhance their productivity, set achievable goals and inculcate an optimistic mindset. The topic is relevant in today’s times, and it conveys that it’s imperative for students to take care of themselves to keep pace with their evolving surroundings. The major takeaway was that investing in one’s own growth is the best investment an individual can make and this was showcased via thought of the day, a skit and speech. The assembly concluded with Principal ma’am’s address on the topic and the national anthem being sung by all the students. Goenkan Mentorship Program


Lord Krishna is called the God of protection, tenderness, compassion, and love. People across different cultures admire him for his wisdom, joyfulness, and truth. The birth of Gopala was celebrated with gaiety and vibrant abandon by the young Goenkans. An Inter House Dance competition was held with the Life of Radha and Krishna as the theme. The choice of Krishna bhakti songs, the traditional and graceful choreography, the bright and colorful costumes against a gorgeous background and the overall feeling of devotional celebration was appreciated by all.

The Janamashtami festivities kept the school immersed in the worship of Lord Krishna.

Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav

In the month of August, 2022, the students of G.D. Goenka, Vasant Kunj, gathered together to mark this landmark of success by celebrating the 75th Azadi ka amrit mahotsav with some captivating and insightful performances.

Remembering the freedom fighters and martyrs, with immense pride in their hearts, they dove deep into the soulful rhythm of 'Vande Mataram', followed by a skit on Gandhi’s 3 principles.

With great enthusiasm and patriotic fervour, the programme moved into portraying through speeches and dance performances what it truly means to be ‘free’ from different perspectives.

The celebration concluded with the Principal, Ms. Meenakshi Bhakuni’s pearls of wisdom, where she motivated the students to take forth the beautiful traditions of India forward and make the country proud of them.

Punctuality: The Mantra to Success

On July19, 2022, the students of Class 12-B presented an assembly on the topic: Punctuality - The Mantra to Success. The message was conveyed through an amusing play. The assembly not only encouraged students to always be punctual but also made them realise that great talent is of no use if it is not employed at the right time.

Class 4-D Assembly- The Power of Forgiveness

The topic of class assembly of class 4-D was - The Power of Forgiveness. The famous quote- To err is human, to forgive is divine was beautifully depicted. The show concluded with a scintillating song performance.

We rise by Lifting Others

On 26th July 2022, the enthusiastic students from class 9-12 had put up a stunning play on a topic of concern- “Sabse Bada Yog Paraspar Sahyog.” The play beautifully conveyed the importance of helping people in need and valuing the emotions and relationships and not just the materialistic things that we are gifted with. Wasting food and throwing away old books and clothes shows a selfish attitude. It was concluded by an inspirational speech given by the honourable Principal ma’am who highlighted the fact that “no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

Creating awareness about Bullying.

A morning assembly on the negative impact of bullying was organized by Class 5D on 7th July 2022. The students shared information about the different types of bullying, its impact on people, and how to stop bullying. It emphasised that we all need to look out for each other in case of need.

The students put up mesmerising song and dance performances.

The HOSS Academics, Mr. Amit Bhalla addressed the gathering and motivated the students with his encouraging words of wisdom. The assembly culminated with the rendition of the National Anthem.

Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai- Unsung Heroes

Class 4-A had their Assembly on 14th July 2022.

The topic of the Assembly being "Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai- Unsung Heroes" was very well justified by the good script, foot tapping music, strong and powerful characters like Kalyan Sundaram, Dasrath Manjhi, Medha Patkar, Chewang Norphel, Pravin Tulpule, Sindhutai Sapkal to name a few.

The Assembly was applauded by one and all.


Class 4-C presented their class assembly on 28th July 2022. The topic was Harmony in Nature. Students performed a small skit and expressed their thoughts that nature does not discriminate in any of its elements. So why do we discriminate against each other. Nature keeps an excellent balance. So lets also try to balance with each other and respect each other's ideas and views. By respecting each other, we would definitely have a better earth to live in. Students also performed a foot tapping dance performance. Everyone appreciated the efforts put in by the students of class 4-C.

Khushiyon Ka Karkhaana

Higher, Brighter, Stronger and Happier - the post covid motto of GD Goenka was celebrated with much vigor and enthusiasm by the Primary students as part of their class 4-B assembly namely, KHUSHIYON KA KARKHAANA- where happiness multiplied leaps and bounds through the sheer participation of all students; and the reverberating sounds of laughter and giggles filled up the entire school corridors and classrooms.

A medley of dance, music, and yoga had everyone beaming with happiness, joy and pride. The cherry on the top was The Great Goenkan Magic Show put up by the primary goenkans, left everyone completely spellbound and mesmerized .


On 15th July ,Students of 8 C celebrated the ' Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav' in the school assembly by recalling the making of the Indian Constitution and highlighting it's salient points. Students also brought before the audience some women members of the Constituent Assembly who made an impact on the drafting of the Constitution. The assembly culminated with motivational words by our Principal, Ms Meenakshi Bakhuni. Ms Meenakshi Bakhuni engaged children in a dialogue about their understanding of the constitution. She praised the endeavours of freedom fighters and the Constituent Assembly who created the document. She emphasised on the importance of following the rule of law and order in the country. Everyone appreciated the efforts put in by the students.

16 February 2022, by Class XI-F
Rights And Responsibilities

Class 11-F presented virtual assembly on 16th February, 2022 on the topic ‘Rights and Responsibilities’. The morning prayer was followed by Thought of the Day; News and Weather Report.

The topic was introduced by an example in the form of a dialogue between friends to get a better understanding. It was structured in a manner where children were explained what their Rights and Responsibilities are beginning from themselves, to their homes, in school, their environment, as Indian citizens and finally as global citizens. How Rights and Responsibilities go hand in hand in all these above mentioned areas was explained by the learners in the form of slides and discussion. Principal Ma’am gave her valuable insight to the topic and applauded the children’s effort. The assembly was concluded with the national anthem being played on the sitar by a student of 11-F. The viewers were extremely encouraging with their praises and motivating feedback.

18 February 2022, by Class IV-A

4-A presented a virtual assembly on 18 February 2022 on the topic ‘Compassion’. The morning prayer was followed by thought of the day and news. Children spoke from their heart what they understand by compassion and how to be a compassionate human being. ‘Actions speak louder than words’ was proved through a presentation where various slides depicting different forms of compassion was shown. Children also expressed their feelings through poetry and a foot tapping dance performance. Principal ma’am admired the efforts of the children and elaborated on this valuable virtue. The viewers heaped praises on 4-A as soon as the assembly ended.

9 February 2022, by Class XI-E
Leading by Example

11-E presented a virtual assembly on 9 February 2022 on the topic: "Leadership - leading by example". The morning prayer was followed by thought of the day, news and weather report. Through a gripping presentation, the children discussed the qualities of leadership exhibited by leaders in various spheres through their exemplary conduct. The broad canvas covered inspiring personalities from the world, ancient India, pre-independence struggle, contemporary India and also drew attention to leadership in everyday behaviour in family and in school. Principal Ma'am admired the effort of the children and elaborated on the desirable qualities essential for effective leadership. The viewers heaped praises on 11-E as soon as the assembly ended.

10 February 2022, by Class VIII-E
No friend as loyal as a book

“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home.” ― Anna Quindlen Rightly said, a book takes you places, it lets you travel without moving your feet! The morning of 10th February, 2022 saw a bright beginning owing to Middle Wing’s assembly! Class 8E put up a successful show on the theme of “No friend as loyal as a book. The assembly commenced with the morning prayer by thanking the almighty, followed by thought of the day and news from all over the world. The zestful learners then shared their experiences in the journey of becoming avid readers, & shared multiple facts related to books. It concluded with a mesmerizing dance performance on a peppy, yet informative number that left the audience tapping their feet to the tune. The acts planned aimed to make an impact on the students by encouraging them to start reading and enjoying books, making them their best friends. The assembly finally came to its finale with the Principal, Ms Meenakshi Bhakuni enlightening the learners with her pearls of wisdom.

1 February 2022, by Class XI-D

Class XI-D conducted its assembly on the topic ‘Optimism’. The students gave a very interesting presentation on the importance of optimism and positivity in one’s life. They laid emphasis on how optim sm should be practised with a touch of realism so that one can deal and prepare for any kind of negative situation that they may be faced with. The assembly concluded with Principal Ma’am’s words of appreciation and encouragement followed by the national anthem. There was immense appreciation for the assembly theme and presentation from the students and teachers as well.

28 January 2022, by Class V-C
It’s Every Child’s Dream

It is rightly mentioned, pet animals “Motivate us to play, be affective, seek adventure and be loyal” and that is the prime reason why, at some point of time we all need them. They not only bring around love and affection in our lives but bring us all closer, that is why “It’s every child dream.”

27 January 2022, by Class VIII-A
75 Years in the Making of India

On the pleasant morning of 27th January, the students of class VIII-A presented the virtual morning assembly on the subject 75 years in the making of India. The assembly was started with the morning prayer, the thought of the day and then the news. The students of class VIII-A presented a small skit depicting India’s achievements over the past 75 glorious years. In the end our respected Principal ma'am addressed the students and teachers by her words of encouragement. All the participants were highly appreciated for their performance. In such a group effort students learnt the importance of working together as a team.

22 January 2022, by Class V-D
A Salute to Bravery

The assembly was conducted by class V-D wherein students paid tribute to our soldiers who sacrifice their lives in service to the nation. Also, they laid emphasis on the fact that “Never Give Up” spirit should be there in us just like our brave soldiers; who, inspite of facing so many challenges, never give up. The assembly also showcased a dance performance which inspired all of us. The assembly finally concluded with Principal ma’am’s speech and the national anthem.

20 January 2022, by Class VII-E
The Five Powerful Teachings

Class VII-E presented their Online Assembly on 20th January 2022. Students presented the sacred teachings given in our Vedas. Following such teachings, the students strengthen themselves to do their best in all that they do and bring positive changes in their lives, environment and in the world around them. The assembly culminated with motivational words by our Principal, Mrs. Meenakshi Bhakuni. Everyone appreciated the efforts put in by the students.

18 January 2022, by Class IX-E
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti

The students of Class 9E commemorated Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti in the morning assembly which was conducted by them. The presenters were Khhyati Chawla and Rusheil Kharbanda. Suhani Bagga led the morning prayer which was followed by the Thought of the Day by Vedika Chopra. The news was presented by Aaliya, Rishawn Thukral and Khhyati Chawla. A very interesting presentation on Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s life and his contribution to India’s independence struggle was highly appreciated by Principal Ma’am as well as the students and teachers present. Principal Ma’am shared some very inspiring thoughts on Netaji and how his idea and vision should be inculcated in our day to day lives. The assembly concluded with the National Anthem.

10 December 2021, by Class Nursery
Our Togetherness: The Soul of India

The cutie pies of class Nursery showcased the Unity in Diversity of our Incredible India as they danced their way into our hearts and left the audience mesmerised by their scintillating performances. It was a sheer delight to watch the young Goenkans perform on the foot tapping music- ‘Oh my friend Ganesha’, the beautiful ‘ Eid aayi ..’ , the spirited ‘Sunder mundriye ‘ and the vibrant ‘ Jingle bells ‘. Our togetherness- The soul of India, our heritage and our amazing diversity was so beautifully presented by these talented little rock stars. Well done class Nursery!!

10 December 2021, by Class V-A
ईश्वर का प्रियतम कौन?

On the fine morning of 10th December, 2021, Class V-A presented its virtual class assembly on the theme- "Ishvar Ka Priyatam Kaun?" The assembly commenced with a beautiful quote followed by the ‘Morning Prayer'. Following this was the news. Children expressed their views that the beloved of God is the one who, while performing his duties, remembers God with true devotion. The true nature of devotion lies in remembering the name of God while doing one’s work. Lastly, Honourable Principal ma'am addressed all the kids and teachers by her words of wisdom. It was a wonderful experience and very fun to work on. The children spoke confidently and enjoyed taking part. However, the most important lesson we were able to take away from this experience was the lesson of team spirit and collaboration.

9 December 2021, by Class VII-B
Time Management

Time Management plays a vital role in the smooth functioning of our lives. Good time management reflects on your health and also adds to your energy to achieve more. The students of class VII-B understand that time showcase in their morning assembly how time management helps to better manage our present and future and make you manage your time well, managing your time well makes you successful."

7 December 2021, by Class VII-D
Air Pollution

Concerned about the Air Pollution in Delhi, the dangerous levels of AQI and its ill-effects, students of VII-D decided to get together to spread awareness about it. They researched about Air Pollution, its causes, prevention, ways to reduce its ill-effects on our health and presented it in this assembly. So, let's all also - "Be a part of the solution and not part of the pollution."

26 November 2021, by Class III-E
Ingredients to Make a Good Friend

Children expressed their thoughts about ingredients required for making friends like one needs kindness, forgiveness, patience, trust, honesty etc. Children participated with enthusiasm. The assembly culminated with motivational words by our Principal, Mrs. Meenakshi Bhakuni.

25 November 2021, by Class VII-A
Time is Precious Time is Priceless

Class VII-A presented their online Assembly on 25th November 2021. The topic was Time is Precious Time is Priceless.

Students expressed their thoughts on how we should not waste time. Not wasting time can help us ameliorate ourselves because time can make you healthy and wealthy, progress and prosper. They shared a bodacious thought that time is irreversible. Thus, we must make the best use of our time. Everyone cherished the efforts put in by the students.

18 November 2021, by Class VI-E
Being Unique and Different

Class VI-E presented their Online Assembly on 18th November 2021. Students shared quotes on Being Unique and Different. It brought out the essence that everyone is different. Being unique and different can help us accept who we truly are. Self-acceptance is the first step towards being genuinely happy. Being unique is better than being perfect.

The assembly culminated with motivational words by our Principal, Mrs. Meenakshi Bakhuni. Everyone appreciated the efforts put in by the students.

11 November 2021, by Class VI-D
Power of Music

It is soothing, it is fun, it is harmonious, it is rhythmic, it is melodious, it is mood boosting and it is a way of opening our hearts. Yes, you guessed it right!
We, the students of class VI-D took great pleasure in executing our assembly on Nov 11, 2021, on the topic ‘Power of Music’. Power of music is such, that it’s truly called the "Food of love". We all know music is fun! We can sing, dance, hum, meditate, listen or even play various games on it. It has so many powers that heal us and helps us to focus our mind. It can free our mind to think creatively again. It can also help us connect to our core, our soul. HAVE A MUSICAL DAY!

9 November 2021, by Class III-D
Count Your Blessings

Class III-D presented class assembly on the topic- Count Your Blessings. Children enacted the story of Pine Tree whereby they conveyed the message to complain less and appreciate more.

29 October 2021, by Class III-C
Give Wings to your dreams

Class 3 C had its online Class Assembly on 29th October 2021. The topic of the assembly was "Give Wings to your Dreams". The topic was well justified by a good script, small skit and powerful dance performance by the students. The assembly was well applauded by one and all.

28 October 2021,
by Class VI-C Netiquette

NETIQUETTE- was the topic of the assembly presented by the students of class 6-C on 28 October, 2021.

The thought behind this topic was to make the students aware of the best behavioural practices during online classroom sessions. The students discussed a few netiquette guidelines which every student must know. These rules of netiquette are just as important in cyberspace as they are in the real world.

Thanks to the class of 6-C for making the assembly informative, educational and interesting with their impressive performances. Towards the end, respected Principal ma’am, Ms. Meenakshi Bhakuni, shared her appreciation and encouraged students to follow the basic rules of Netiquette. The assembly was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present.

22 October 2021, by Class IIIA
Action Speaks Louder Than Words

Class 3-A had its Online Class Assembly on 22ndOctober 2021. The topic of the Assembly being: Action speaks louder than words" was very well justified by a good script, strong and powerful characters like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Rabindranath Tagore, Greta Thunberg, Nelson Mandela and Mala Yusufzai. Assembly was well applauded by one and all.

21 October 2021, by Class VIIC
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

Our Nation is commemorating the 75th Anniversary of India’s independence. As a part of this ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ Class 7C highlighted the events that led to the freedom of the country from British rule during the class Assembly on 21stOctober

Students recalled events from the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny to the Quit India Movement. They explained how India's 'Independence Day' was a result of millions of people coming together to fight for their freedom from British Colonial rule.

1 October 2021, by Class III B
Azaadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

On 2nd October, every year India celebrates the birth of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi as Gandhi Jayanti.

Students of class III paid special tribute to Mahatma Gandhi; “Father of Nation”. The assembly talked about major milestones achieved by our country. The day was soaked in patriotic fervor while remembering Gandhiji’s wise teachings and singing patriotic songs.

Gandhi Ji led the Champaran Satyagraha movement, non-Cooperation movement, The Dandi March, Salt Satyagraha and Quit India movements.

The man who fought against Britishers and gave Independence as a gift to the whole Nation. He believed that a gentle way can shake the world, sending people a message of non-violence. Even after all these years, his principles, dedication and mission continue to inspire the country.

10 September 2021, by Class IV E
Ganpati Bappa Moreya!!

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to all.

Ganesh Chaturthi or Vinayak Chaturthi is one of the important religious festivals celebrated on a large scale and the wave happiness and exhilaration is evident in the entire country during these 10 days

A special assembly was conducted by the students of 4-E on 10th September 2021 to talk about the life lessons which we can imbibe from the life events of Lord Ganesha.

It started with auspicious mantras followed by Thought for the day and News Headlines. Students confidently narrated the short stories and lessons we get from each one of it, like - Duty over everything, Humility and Respect, Respect for parents, and Forgiveness. All of which we can easily apply and follow in our daily lives, to be a better human.

9 September 2021, by Class VI B
Think Before You Speak

Class 6-B presented an assembly on the topic " Think Before You Speak". The students shed some insight into why it is important to think before you speak. They also suggested some ways to stop yourself from saying words which you will regret.

7 September 2021, by Class X C

“Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality”. This quote by Robin Sharma on “Mindfulness”, was the topic of the assembly presented by the students of class X C on 7 September 2021.

Mindfulness, as a way of connecting with oneself, through meditation, yoga etc. was brought out beautifully by interesting examples including a short skit. Remaining positive in the covid pandemic, by focusing on the present, rather than the past or future and delving deep inside to discover one’s inner strength was the powerful message which was conveyed distinctly by the students.

3 September 2021, by Class IV D
Teacher’s Day Assembly

Teacher’s day is a very important day for every student as they get to thank their mentors for all the hard work and effort they put in to shape their personality. A special assembly was conducted on 3rd September 2021 by the students of Class 4 D to show their gratitude. It started with the rendition of Guru Vandana followed by Thought of the Day, News Headlines. Students beautifully expressed the invaluable contribution of teachers in shaping the lives of their students and making them worthy human beings through a skit.

Principal, Ms. Meenakshi Bhakuni appreciated the efforts put in by the students to show their gratitude towards their teachers and motivated them with her words.

2 September 2021, by Class VI A
Life Lessons From Inanimate Objects

Today the students of class 6-A presented the class assembly on the topic-Life Lessons from inanimate objects. The idea behind this topic was to make everyone aware that inanimate objects not only satisfy our needs and make our life comfortable.In addition to the above they are source of inspiration as well.

The pupils spoke about the lessons we can learn from objects like mirror , lamps, windows etc.The most important part of the assembly was the efforts made by the children namely the invite and ppt. Also they were very confident in their presentation.It was highly appreciated by those who attended it.

27 AUGUST 2021, by Class IV C
केंद्रित रहो / FOCUS

Children of class 4-C has participated enthusiastically in their class assembly on the topic केंद्रित रहो / FOCUS. They talk about the importance of focus and how we can use it for being successful in life.

26 AUGUST 2021, by Class VIII E
Mental Health

The morning assembly presented to the Middle Wing of G.D. Goenka Public School, Vasant Kunj by the learners of VIII E, focussed on the topic of “Mental Health”, something that is only discussed sub rosa. Through this, they tried to uncover the existing stigmas around mental health and what we, as a community can do to diagnose, treat and eliminate it. The generation today faces a unique set of challenges affecting their well-being. According to a survey by the Indian Psychiatry Society, one in five Indians has a mental illness, displaying a 20% increase in the cases since the start of March 2020.

Therefore, proving that India is in the midst of a mental health crisis. The zealous and passionate learners tried to convince all through their heartwarming acts in the assembly, such as skit and dance performance, how to move away from the preconceived notions around mental illness and open up to seeking help from either their loved ones or professionals. They were successful in portraying the reality of the issue that supersedes rest of the challenges and conveying ways to manage it to the best of each one’s ability. The assembly ended with the Principal, Ms Bhakuni, guiding all even further as to how they must accept and acknowledge their reality and rather than hiding behind a garb of “normality”, try to rectify what does not feel right.

24 AUGUST 2021, by Class XII C
Intrinsic Motivation

Today’ s assembly was started on an auspicious note with the morning prayer by Ansh Tiwari followed by an inspiring morning thought by Gauri Behl. Arshdeep Kaur & Yodhin Bali shared the news for the day. This was followed by an assembly by class 12-B on the topic intrinsic motivation. Principal Ma’am shared her thoughts on the same topic and motivated children to put efforts without thinking about the reward.

Intrinsic motivation is the act of doing something without any external rewards. One does it because it’s enjoyable and interesting rather than because of an outside incentive or reward.

19 AUGUST 2021, by Class IV C
Raksha Bandhan

The eternal bond of love, relationship, peace and harmony was depicted by students of 4-B through hind poems and ancient mythological stories. The importance of the festival was highlighted by little Goenkans. The skit presented by students and collages on handmade Rakhi's explored the creativity and talent of dear children. The inspiring and encouraging words by the principal motivated students to strengthen this bond of never-ending rock-solid relationship between siblings.

17 AUGUST 2021, by Class XI C
Sports: A Game Changer

Sports is very essential for every human being as it keeps them healthy and strong. It has great importance in every stage of life. It develops values and build character of a person. It teaches discipline and commitment and improves quality of life.

Different people play sports for different reasons. Some play for health benefits, some for enjoyment of competition, some take it as a career and so on. But sports give all its benefits to everyone who adopts it in their life.

Sports help people not only in physical aspect but also builds character, teaches and develops strategic and analytical thinking, leadership skills, goal setting, risk taking, strong and determined. It helps them to overcome all the adversities of life, quoting the examples of our sport heroes Major Devender Pal Singh and Neeraj Chopra who have seen adverse health issues in their lives but it is sports which kept them going all the time and helped them to attain heights.

“Sports should be an integral part of our life” is the message conveyed through our assembly.

15 AUGUST 2021, by class II
Saare Jahan Se Achcha

Class 2 presented a special assembly to commemorate the nation’s Independence Day. The little ones presented a mesmerising performance on scintillating patriotic numbers, installing pride for the motherland and igniting patriotic fervour in every heart. Through the vibrant beats these soldiers of the nation showcased their courage and national spirit as they celebrated the wonderful spirit of independence.

13 AUGUST 2021, by Class V C
Independence Day Celebration

Freedom in the mind
Faith in our words
Pride in our souls
Let's salute the nation on this Independence Day!

On the occasion of 75th Independence Day, the students of Class V C did a wonderful performance during their class assembly. The participants displayed great spirit of patriotism & oneness through their performance in various ways, through speech, act, dance and music.

12 AUGUST 2021, by Class VIII D
Rainwater Conservation

Students of class VIII D of G.D. Goenka Public School, Vasant Kunj prepared an online assembly on the theme of Rainwater Conservation. Children talked about various steps and Initiatives being undertaken by the newly constituted Jal Ministry. They came out with simple yet effective steps to manage rain water in their day-to-day life. The assembly concluded with a Pledge by students to conserve Rainwater.

10 AUGUST 2021, by Class X B
Respect What You Possess

Respect is a basic moral value which means having due regard for the feelings, wishes and rights of others. In our life we go through different situations where we need to get along with others, that happens when we give respect. There are different ways of showing respect like saying Please and Thank you, listening without arguing and affirming with others.

If we don’t regard others, they will not respect us, and if we don’t respect ourselves, we won’t be regarded by others either. Receiving respect from others is equally important as it makes us feel safe and express ourselves confidently. When we feel safe being around each other we know it’s ok for both of us to express who we are and when we disagree, we listen to each other and be patient

We need to respect people, places, and things. We can show our respect to places and things by taking good care of things and dressing according to the traditions of the place.

Respect doesn’t come naturally – it is something you learn your whole life. We all must adapt ourselves in such a way that we acknowledge and respect each other’s views and opinions without any bias.

Last but not the least we must always remember to value ourselves and know that we matter.

6 AUGUST 2021, by Class V D

The assembly was conducted by class V D on 6th August 2021 on the theme “Mother-Maa” wherein students depicted the idea of motherhood in its purest form and honoured all the mothers by giving an example of Lord Krishna & Yashoda maa. Also, the importance of teacher as child’s second mother was emphasised upon. The assembly also included a lovely dance performance dedicated to motherhood.

5 AUGUST 2021, by Class VIII A

Greetings to everybody! On the 5th of August, class VIII A was given the opportunity to present their ideas on the several subtopics of time management. They shared their ideas on how it may help us make great changes in our lives. Through different items like thought of the day, it was explained how when one is focused and not wasting time on distractions, effective time management allows learners to achieve more in less time. The students were able to make their assembly a success as they, themselves, used their skills of time management and thus, were able to effectively communicate their opinions to their batch mates and mentors.

3 AUGUST 2021, by Class IX A
The Power of Sharing and Giving

Nature has bestowed its bounty upon all the creations. The shocking power of nature and the devastation caused by natural calamities including the ongoing pandemic has caused an incredible reaction: a worldwide desire to help the survivors. Hundreds of thousands of people living in the affected countries fed their neighbours, gave them shelter and comforted them in their grief. Across the world millions of individuals have responded by sending donations not only for those suffering from tragedies but for the general upliftment of the fellow human beings, animal and plant kingdom and making the environment better.

One of the ways of giving is to show respect to all people regardless of their social status, gender, age or caste. One of the best ways to give help is to offer it with utmost humility, compassion and above all let it be unconditional.

30 July 2021, by Class V E
परिश्रम का महत्व

प्रभात सभा विद्यालय का एक अभिन्न अंग है । सफलता की केवल एक कुंजी है - परिश्रम । कक्षा 5 E के प्रतिभाशाली छात्रों ने परिश्रम का महत्व बताते हुए अपनी प्रभात सभा प्रस्तुत की । छात्रों के अथक परिश्रम को प्रधानाचार्या जी तथा शिक्षकगणों द्वारा बहुत सराहा गया ।

29 July 2021, by Class VIII C
हिंदी भाषा से सम्बन्धित रोचक तथ्य

कक्षा VIII C के छात्रों- अनुष्का, ट्विशा, रुद्राक्ष, सुहाना, वंशिका, राध्या, रायहा, आस्मि, आयुष्मान, सोनाक्षी ने अपनी कक्षा-अध्यापिका, आरती कत्याल के मार्गदर्शन में एक सकारात्मक ऊर्जा के साथ, गायत्री मंत्र का उच्चारण करते हुए, प्रातः कालीन सभा का सफ़ल आयोजन किया। विद्यालय में हिंदी माह के चलते, सभा का विषय- 'हिंदी भाषा से सम्बन्धित रोचक तथ्य' रखा गया। इस आयोजन से न केवल छात्रों में राष्ट्र भाषा के प्रति सम्मान व प्रेम उत्पन्न हुआ अपितु ये जानकारियाँ, ज्ञान का सबब भी बनीं। प्रधानाचार्या- मीनाक्षी भाकुनी, विभाग प्रभारी- रिशा मलिक तथा अन्य कई अध्यापिकाओं ने इस अवसर पर उपस्थित रहकर छात्रों का उत्साहवर्धन किया।

23 July 2021, by Class IV A

The power of Positive Thinking will show you that the roots of success lie in the mind and teach you how to believe in yourself, break the habit of worrying and take control of your life by taking control of your thoughts and changing your attitude.

22 July 2021, by Class VIII B

Happiness is the secret to all beauty. There is no beauty without happiness. A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside. Think good thoughts, do good things for others, everything comes back! If each human being starts doing good to all, the world will become a paradise! The wealth of a rich person can be stolen but the happiness and wisdom of the wise remains. On this note, the students of class VIII - B, through their assembly, showed the importance of thinking good, doing good and smiling.

21 July 2021, by Class XI B

Many types of research showed that social awareness is a skill that is crucial to college and career preparedness. It is proven that students who are socially aware are often more communicative, and they have developed a sense of empathy. The students of Class XI B presented an assembly about the significance of social awareness in our lives and how to enhance it while also sharing knowledge about the auspicious occasion of Eid-al-Adha. We wish everyone Eid Mubarak!

6 July 2021, by Class 10 A

The assembly shed light on the need to change ourselves in order to achieve success in all areas of life, in spite of circumstances. The idea is to be ‘aware’ that we require changes and for that, the role of attitude counts.

Positive attitude may include the choice of positive words, while speaking or even thinking, forgiving and allowing oneself to move on, practicing gratitude, improving self-esteem, etc. The students of class 10A shared some quick tips to enable positive thinking like, a good night’s sleep, meditation and regular exercises, to push our brain to go the extra mile.

A Daily Positivity Kit, shared by a student, was much appreciated. It added a completely different perspective to the meaning of daily use items like a toothpick, rubber band, eraser, pencil, and a few more. For example, a toothpick can remind us to pick out the good qualities in others, instead of the negative ones.

Students had put forth their views that one must think that the best is going to happen, not the worst. Healthy, happy people think about what they want and how to achieve success. While success may lead to happiness, there is very little question that happiness also leads to success.

July 2, 2021 by Class V B

Our family and friends are the pillars of our strength and the center of our existence. We all know that but how often do we really appreciate these blessing on our life? Today the students of class V B narrated a story during the morning assembly which made us all realise the importance of people and relationships that we most often take for granted.

July 1, 2021 by Class VII E

Over the years our society has seen many changes. We breaking the shackles of the past and embracing newer thinking are trying to modernize ourselves. But somewhere walking through the roads we sometimes shun our traditions, thinking these as backwards. The students of Class VII E, through their assembly, showed that Science and traditions have a strong connection. Students presented the scientific approach and benefits of many Indian traditions such as -joining our hands for “Namaste”, wearing and welcoming by “Chandan tilak or Kum-kum”, worshiping trees such as Peepal and throwing coins into the rivers etc. Through the assembly the students were encouraged to look for scientific reasons behind our Indian culture and tradition and also to share it with the others in order to benefit the society at large.

June 30, 2021 by Class XII A

Students started by explaining how sun provides energy to all forms of life on earth and then explained the energy field of humans is affected by sunlight. The energy system comprising of three main channels and seven chakras was explained. The splitting of sunlight by various chakras to provide energy was beautifully captured. At the end, students showed various poses of SURYA NAMASKAR and how it strengthens the physical body by providing energy to the corresponding chakra.

June 25, 2021 by Class V A

“A good teacher takes a hand, opens the mind and touches the heart.”

The assembly commenced with a beautiful shloka "Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha.Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha" followed by the ‘Morning Prayer'. Following this was the news. Children expressed their views on what guru to them is and showed their appreciation and gratitude towards them. It was amazing how we could finish small bits and pieces in those ten minutes. It was a wonderful experience and very fun to work on.

The children spoke confidently and enjoyed taking part. We were so pleased to see a large turnout to witness our hard work and we are extremely happy to say that our assembly was successful. However, the most important lesson we were able to take away from this experience was the lesson of team spirit and coordination.

June 24, 2021 by Class VII D
Let Healthy Food and Fitness Be Your Mantra

As now-a-days we are all spending a lot of time indoors, we are not being able to follow a healthy food and fitness regime. The students of class 7D shared some pointers for good health - proper nutrition, pranayam and exercising every day to maintain good health.

June 23, 2021 by Class XI A

The assembly shed light on the topic - is the so-called healthy food really healthy or just a hoax?

This intriguing topic was the need of the hour as right now the whole world is running behind the brightly packaged immunity boosters, herbal teas, superfoods like chia seeds, açai powder, quinoa, gluten free and vegan, baked not fried labels and what not.

But are these foods actually beneficial or nutritious to our body. We’ve brought out the facts, they actually aren’t as healthy as they seem to be and surprisingly, many of them are just as equal in their nutritional value as foods that are already stocked up in our pantry. We should be aware that loud marketing and social media can be a danger to our health. The best solution is very simple! Enjoy a fresh, balanced home cooked meal, something that has kept our grandparents and many generations before them as healthy as can be. Put in a spoon of pure desi ghee, grow a few veggies at home, avoid packaged foods, it’s the best way to go!

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