"Time in the market is greater than timing in the market"
The financial literacy club for classes 11 and 12 emphasizes on the benefits of being financially literate for the students:
1.It Improves ability to make better financial decisions. It also helps them in effective management of money and debt.
2.It provides knowledge to reach financial goals and gather knowledge about wealth creation.
3.It helps in learning the process of trading of securities by following the regulations of Stock exchanges.
4.The teachers/resource persons elaborate and explain the technical and fundamental analysis for informed decision-making while selecting the securities for investment.
5.Informing students about various financial securities to invest in.
This club teaches the importance of investing in the stock market and it also teaches fundamentals of stock trading by conducting activities like Mock Stock.
Covid times provided opportunities to students to increase their learning about the Securities market and wealth creation. The students are admitted to the club after an initial interview conducted by Mrs. Jyoti Sharma and Mr. Jay Girhotra. Students were asked the basics of Securities Market and their aim for joining this club. Mrs. Jyoti Sharma and Mr. Jay Girhotra also took classes to explain the ways and working of the Securities Market.