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Poetry Recitation

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During the Literary Week held in October, Poetry Recitation for classes III and IV too  was conducted .

As the famous painter and sculptor Vincent Van Gogh said “ If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere .”

Keeping this in mind the theme was “Friends with Nature”. The young Goenkan’s  did complete justice to the theme by reciting the poems with feelings, expressions and voice modulation that made each participant a winner.

The results are as follows:

Class III

1st– Gaunika Hans –  III A       Teresa House

1st –Advaita B Nair-  III A

2nd-Parishee Mittal-  III E       Teresa House

2nd– Vainavi Jain-     III E

3rd -Ranveer S Bhatia – III E        VK House

3rd  –Anuhka Zakaria – III E


Class IV

1st  Snigdha Jha – IV B             R K House

1st –Divyansh Pasari-  IV E

2nd –Devank Sabharwal- IV D     TAGORE HOUSE

2nd –Ananya Chakraborti- IV B

3rd- Sairaah  Makhija- IV E        VK HOUSE

3rd -Meher Arora-  IV D

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