The 3rd round of the Inter-House Debate 2015-16 was held on 27th January 2016 in the auditorium. The team of Tagore House competed with the team of Teresa House and the team of V.K. House competed with R.K. House.
The debate had two teams each – proposition and the opposition comprising three members each. In this format, the Principal Speaker of the proposition opens the debate and introduces the argument. He/She speaks for three minutes explaining the point of view of the team. The second speaker of the proposition and opposition follow to further the argument. The third speaker of each team then refutes the opposing teams arguments. Finally, the Principal Speakers sum up the teams stand and speak for 2 minutes each.
The participants are judged on diction, content, presentation and argument.
The judges for the debate were Mrs. Prabhjot Butalia, Mrs. Rohina Shah and Mrs. Gurpreet Kaur.
The details of the debate are as follows:
1. The End is more Important Than the Means.
Tagore House was represented by Ved Rajgarhia, Akansha Gadh and Kartika Ahuja. They spoke for the motion. The opposition, Teresa House, comprised Shivangi Anand, Ahana Kumar and Sakhi Thirani.
Result: Best Speaker: Shivangi Anand
Best Team: Tie
2. Life cannot be Enjoyed without Plenty of Money.
R.K. House spoke for the motion and was represented by Maahi S. Kumar, Devansh Madhok and Zoya S. Kumar. R.K. House, the opposition, was represented by Dikshita Khullar, Nishtha Jindal and Aryan Dhingra.
Result: Best Speaker: Maahi S. Kumar
Best Team: V.K. House