As part of the ongoing SSC month, the movie, “Skater Girl” was shown to the students of class 9 on 23 August 2021 in the third slot at 10.45 am. The students were divided into two groups: group 1- 9A and B and group 2- 9 C, D and E. The movie was presented by two students, one from each group, on Netflix.
An engrossing movie, “Skater Girl”, dealt with the obstacles a girl in rural India had to face in the form of a ‘patriarchal mindset’, in order to follow her dream of ‘skateboarding’.
The movie which lasted for about two hours, was entertaining, while conveying a beautiful social message on the importance of ‘freedom’, especially for the girl child in rural India. It also, subtly, touched upon the issue of social divide existing in India, perpetuated by the caste system which is still prevalent in many parts of our country.
It was a great start to the week as the movie was delightfully inspirational, making it a great watch!